杜立林 博士
Li-Lin Du, Ph.D. Investigator, NIBS, Beijing, China
Fax: 010-80726689
教育经历 Education
2001年 耶鲁大学分子生物物理学与生物化学系博士
Ph.D., Department of Molecular Biophysics
& Biochemistry (MB&B), Yale University, USA
1995年 中国科学院上海生物化学研究所硕士
M.Sc., Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
1992年 南开大学生物系学士
B.Sc., Department of Biology, Nankai University, China
工作经历 Professional Experience
2021年6月- 北京生命科学研究所资深研究员
Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China
2013年-2021年 北京生命科学研究所高级研究员
Associate Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China
2007-2013年 北京生命科学研究所研究员
Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China
2001-2007年 美国斯克利普斯研究院博士后
Postdoctoral Research
Associate, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
研究概述 Research Description
1. 违背孟德尔定律的自私杀手基因的作用机制和分子进化的研究
2. 基因必需性省却的方式和规律的研究
3. 自噬相关蛋白的机理研究
Living organisms are complex systems controlled by thousands of genes, and these genes have been shaped by evolution over hundreds of millions of years. To gain a deep understanding of life, it is necessary to pursue how genotype determines phenotype at the systems level and to study the mechanisms and principles governing genome evolution. We use the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe as a model system to carry out research. Working with fission yeast has many advantages, including its small genome size, the ease of genetics and cell biology, and extensive homology between its genes and human genes. Our ongoing research mainly includes the following aspects:
1. Studying how selfish killer genes act and evolve.
2. Systematic investigation of bypassable gene essentiality.
3. Dissecting the molecular mechanisms of autophagy-related proteins.
代表文章 Representative Publications
Li J, Wang H-T, Wang W-T, Zhang X-R, Suo F, Ren J-Y, Bi Y, Xue Y-X, Hu W, Dong M-Q, Du L-L (2019). Systematic analysis reveals the prevalence and principles of bypassable gene essentiality. Nat. Commun. 10:1002
Liu X-M, Yamasaki A, Du X-M, Coffman VC, Ohsumi Y, Nakatogawa H, Wu J-Q, Noda NN#, Du L-L# (2018). Lipidation-independent vacuolar functions of Atg8 rely on its noncanonical interaction with a vacuole membrane protein. eLife 7:e41237 (#co-corresponding authors).
Hu W, Jiang Z-D, Suo F, Zheng J-X, He W-Z, Du L-L (2017). A large gene family in fission yeast encodes spore killers that subvert Mendel’s law. eLife 6:e26057.
Wei Y, Diao L-X, Lu S, Wang H-T, Suo F, Dong M-Q, Du L-L (2017). SUMO-targeted DNA translocase Rrp2 protects the genome from Top2-induced DNA damage. Mol. Cell 66:581–596.
Liu X-M, Sun L-L, Hu W, Ding Y-H, Dong M-Q, Du L-L (2015). ESCRTs cooperate with a selective autophagy receptor to mediate vacuolar targeting of soluble cargos. Mol. Cell 59:1035-1042.
Zhang J-M, Liu X-M, Ding Y-H, Xiong L-Y, Ren J-Y, Zhou Z-X, Wang H-T, Zhang M-J, Yu Y, Dong M-Q, Du L-L (2014). Fission yeast Pxd1 promotes proper DNA Repair by activating Rad16XPF and inhibiting Dna2. PLoS Biol. 12:e1001946.
Qu M, Rappas M, Wardlaw CP, Garcia V, Ren J-Y, Day M, Carr AM#, Oliver AW#, Du L-L#, and Pearl LH# (2013). Phosphorylation-dependent assembly and coordination of the DNA damage checkpoint apparatus by Rad4(TopBP1). Mol. Cell 51: 723–736 (#co-corresponding authors).
Sun L-L, Li M, Suo F, Liu X-M, Shen E-Z, Yang B, Dong M-Q, He W-Z, and Du L-L (2013). Global analysis of fission yeast mating genes reveals new autophagy factors. PLoS Genet. 9: e1003715.
Zhou Z-X, Zhang M-J, Peng X, Takayama Y, Xu X-Y, Huang L-Z, and Du L-L (2013). Mapping genomic hotspots of DNA damage by a single-strand-DNA-compatible and strand-specific ChIP-seq method. Genome Res. 23: 705-715.
Han TX, Xu X-Y, Zhang M-J, Peng X, and Du L-L (2010). Global fitness profiling of fission yeast deletion strains by barcode sequencing. Genome Biol. 11: R60.