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20131022日,北京大学定量生物学中心、生命科学委员会及前沿交叉学科研究院学术委员会主任,北京大学-清华大学生命科学联合中心学术委员会主任汤超教授应邀访问研究所并举办学术讲座。讲座的题目为:Towards a periodic table of biological circuits。汤楠博士主持讲座。

Research interest

The research interest of our group is at the interface between the physical and the biological sciences. We are interested in quantitative studies and the systems level analysis of biological networks. This may include specific regulatory, signaling, genetic, and metabolic networks, as well as large scale genome-wide networks. We use and develop quantitative methods and ideas to address key biological questions and try to understand the design and organization principles of biological systems at various levels.